
Posts Tagged ‘Valentine’s Day’

Because isn’t EVERYTHING better on a stick?  This is an easy rip off of Bakerella’s cake pops.


1 bag of marshmallows

1/4 cup butter

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

6 cups rice crispies

3/4 cup chocolate chips

1 1/2 cups melted red chocolate coating

25 candy sticks


I write method but really, you’re just making rice crispies circles and sticking a stick into it.

Anyhow…get your pan of choice lined with parchment paper, tin foil, or saran wrap.

1. In a large non stick pot, melt the butter and marshmallows on med/low heat. Make sure you stir the mixture continuously so that you don’t scorch the mixture.

2. Add the vanilla when the marshmallow/ butter mixture is melted.

3. Dump in all the rice crispies and chocolate chips and mix.

NOTE: I added in the chocolate chips at this stage and they all melted! I ended up with a chocolate rice crispy chewy goodness instead of a vanilla flavoured snack with chocolate chips mixed throughout.  If you want chocolate chips in the mixture, wait until the mixture has cooled down and then add the chips.

4. Wait a few minutes (I waited about 5) for the mixture to cool and then start rolling them into balls and put a stick in them.

5. Melt your red chocolate coating chips.

These are the chips I used.  Two pics, same chips, one with a flash.

The red chocolate chips weren’t as red as I wanted but I didn’t feel like adding food colouring so I stuck with the pink.  I stuck the chips in a bowl and nuked them for 1 minute on high. If you’re not familiar with how your microwave melts chocolate, nuke the chips in a bowl in 10 second increments until all your chips are melted. You can burn chocolate and that’s not a nice thing to do!

6. Dip your rice crispy balls into the chocoate, drip off any excess, and stand them up on parchment paper. I also used saran wrap because I didn’t feel like cutting more parchment paper. Yes, I am that lazy.

You see that long caramel stick thing in the back right hand top corner? I’ll be posting about that little mistake soon 🙂

So there you go! A simple Valentine’s Day snack for kiddies 🙂



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